Sunday Morning Worship 10:45 AM | Wednesday Bible Study & WOW Youth Study 12:00PM & 7:30 PM

“Those Who Provide Music For Us” - (Cluster IV)

The music ministry at The Greater Solid Rock Baptist Church believes that music is one of the most vital aspects of our Worship Celebration. Emphasis is placed on the singing of genuine praises to the Lord. We proudly incorporate the legacy of our black music heritage in all of our choirs and church musical activities. We are blessed to have as part of our music ministry the multi-talented and inspirational Gospel Generation Adult Choir, the Youth Chorale, the Sounds of Gospel, and the Unity Choir (All musical groups combined). Our music ministry is based on Psalm 150 and we believe in giving God total praise as we minister in music to the spiritual needs of the people of God.

Unity Choir

President: Ms. Gabrielle Bobb

GSRBC Unity choir consists of all of choirs together. The Unity Choir sings on the 1st Sunday and practices the Thursday before the 1st Sunday at 7:00pm.

The Gospel Generation Choir

President: Ms. Gabrielle Bobb

The Gospel Generation is our Adult Choir. This choir specializes in singing Traditional Gospel songs and hymns.

Youth Chorale

Mrs. Qiana Chatman 

The Youth Chorale is a Youth Choir. The ages of this choir are from 5 to 17. The Youth Chorale sings every 4th Sunday and practices the Saturday prior to the 4th Sunday at 12pm.Ga

Sounds of Gospel

President: Denika Taylor

Sounds of Gospel, also referenced as SOG, is our young adult choir. This choir specializes in signing contemporary, upbeat gospel songs. SOG renders the selections to the congregation on the 2nd Sundays and rehearse the Thursday before the 2nd Sunday at 7:00pm. You can also catch SOG assisting the kids on the 4th Sunday.

Men’s Choir

President: Dante Charles

Our Men’s Choir is composed of men and young men of all ages. The Men’s Choir sings every 5th Sunday.

Fellowship Activities

Rehearsal Times

Unity Choir – Thursday prior to the first Sunday @ 7pm

Gospel Generation – Thursday before the 3rd Sunday @ 7pm

Sounds of Gospel – Thursday before the 2nd Sunday @ 7pm & Saturday  prior to the 4th Sunday at 10:30

Youth Chorale –  Saturday prior to the 4th Sunday at 10:30

Men’s Choir – Saturday prior to the 5th Sunday @ 10:30