"Those Who Hold Us Accountable" (Cluster I)
Juanita S. Ross Mothers Ministry
President: Mo. Racheal Moorman
This is an official ministry of the church which is composed of dedicated women who assist in various church functions, respond to the needs of the membership, and promote Christian instruction and training within the church.
Deacons Ministry
President: Deacon Ulysses Jones
Deacons: Carl Gaines, Herbert Hart, Ann Huff, Marion Hughes, Ulysses Jones, Harvey Riggins, Sr., Terry Walker, Marvin Henderson, Hugh Smith
The purpose of this ministry shall be to assist the Pastor in the affairs of the church so as to enable the Pastor to devote more attention to specific religious activities. The Deacons Ministry may act also in the absence of the Pastor to the degree that the ministerial functions of the Church are continued. (Source: The By-Laws of the Deacons Ministry 01/18/2005)
Trustees Ministry
President: Ms. Cynthia McCarthy
Treasurer: Mrs. Patricia Jones
Trustees are stewards of the church who are responsible for assisting the Pastor in managing the financial affairs of the church.
Christian Education Council
Director: Mrs. Barbara Morris
The Christian Education Council (“CEC”) manages the educational component of the Church with the exception of the Church School. The Church School shall remain an intact entity under the CEC performing activities related to Sunday small group Bible study, serving as a Growth Oriented Sunday School ministry, maintaining its own operations budget and teacher education and training.
Home Bound Ministry
This ministry looks after all of our members whom can’t physically make it to church. They have certain tasks such as: delivering programs and DVDs, assisting the Deacons with communion, checking in, assisting in any capacity, etc.
Church School Ministry
Superintendent: Mrs. Barbara Morris
The goals of the Church School are to religiously educate its members according to the word of God; to prepare us to live our lives according to the example of how the Lord lived His life; to prepare us to have a full understanding of what it is we believe; and to give us the knowledge and equip us so that we may be able to go out and win souls to Jesus, the Christ.
Here at The Greater Solid Rock Baptist Church, we believe that Christian Education is that ministry of the church that under girds all of the other ministries of the church.
Part of our advancing the Kingdom of God is through consistent Christian living by our members. We learn these principles through Bible Study and Sunday morning Church School. Bible Study gives us the in-depth study, but Church School provides the practical application. Church School, like Bible study is unique because it gives us the opportunity to express our opinions and share experiences as the Bible is revealed to each individual.
Fellowship Activities
Fellowship activities will start again once Covid Restrictions are fully lifted.
For information regarding meetings, please reach out to the President for the specific ministry in question.