Sunday Morning Worship 10:45 AM | Wednesday Bible Study & WOW Youth Study 12:00PM & 7:30 PM

Church School Lessons

3 Steps to Trusting God More in Your Life

You might be surprised to learn that trust is like a muscle that you have. The more that you exercise it, the more that it grows and is strengthened. So how can you strengthen your trust muscle?  Here are a few exercises:
Surrender yourself and all of your troubles to God. – You Can Move from worry to worship by realizing that God is in control of every circumstance in your life.
Replace negative thoughts with positive ones. – When you find yourself thinking negative thoughts that are bringing you down start thinking about positive scriptures
Ask God to give you patience. – Remember, God is never a second late, He always shows up on time.
 Sources: LifeWay Biblical Solutions for Life, & You Summer 2020

Join Us Sunday Mornings at 9:30 est
  • Alvin E. Waters – Group Conference Number:  425-436-6306 Access Code:  603-6992                   (Teacher Beverly Taylor)
  • Beatrice Miller – Group Conference Number:  425-436-6384 Access Code:  740-7252                                     (Teacher Pamela Johnson)
  • Maggie Warthen – Group Conference Number:  720-740-9811 Access Code:  160-4664                                 (Teacher Shirley Riggins)

Sunday School Newsletter

Fall Sunday School Lessons

About Salvation

What must I do to be saved?
A - Admit that you are a sinner
B - Believe that Jesus died for your sins and rose from the dead
C - Confess that Jesus is the Lord of Your Life

Bible Study Lesson Topics

Please join us every Wednesday at 7:30 pm for our Hour of Power Bible study session.  Come and enjoy the fellowship while you, “Study to Show Yourself Approved.”